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    Adaptation Services for Scripts and Books

BSI offers first-time and existing authors the same professional and personalized beginning-to-end adaptation, manuscript writing, and publishing services that are provided to our existing clients such as, major Hollywood studios (books-scripts), celebrities, politicians, business executives, published authors, and professional athletes.

     Our Emmy®-Award Winning Writer, Exec Producer, Best-Selling Author, and one of the leading Adaptation- Specialists that's-chosen by major Hollywood studios, will adapt your script to a manuscript.

Schedule a call with our Executive Producer


Our Premier

Plan For Adapting Your Script To A Book


         Adapting your script into a book is a 2-phase process. The Adaptation of your script to a manuscript and the publishing of your manuscript by our affiliate book publishing company. Both phases are included in this package.

Click here for rates &

more information


Schedule a call with our Executive Producer


​Included In Our

Premier Adaptation Plan For Scripts To Books Plan

Getting started: 

Adapting your script into a book is a 2-phase process. The Adaptation of your script to a manuscript and the publishing of your manuscript by our affiliate book publishing company. Both phases are included in this package.


  • The rate for our Script to Book Premier Plan is separated into 4 separate payments of $450 ea., and up.


Phase1. Adapting your script to a manuscript. BSI Films, led by our Executive Producer Susan Flanagan—an Emmy® Award-winning writer, best-selling author, and one of the leading adaptation specialists chosen by major film and streaming studios will adapt and write your manuscript.

Plase2. BSI Films along with our affiliate Word First Publishing will provide all of the professional resources to publish, distribute, and market your book to a domestic and global audience. 

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Adaptation... What's In It For Writers​​

  • The primary advantage of having a book version of your script is that it provides writers with more than one opportunity to market and promote their script.

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