What Is A Development Presentation
Why is it needed? How does it differ from a Pitch Deck?
Service Description
* Back to home page (copy & paste) / https://www.bsifilms.com/services-rates-scr-adaptation-scripts-and-books-develop-presentation-submit-scripts-to-studios Your Development Presentation is a key factor in the initial process for reviewing your script and in some cases may determine if the review process continues or if a script is "Passed" on. What is a Development Presentation? Answer: The Development Executive which all companies have, will want to know immediately, if the basics of their needs are being met. This document should provide them that information. * Click here to view a sample of our Development Presentation, https://www.bsifilms.com/sample-development-presentation * Click here to review what information is included in a DP? https://www.bsifilms.com/what-info-to-include-in-your-development-presentation Why is a Development Package needed? Answer: This document provides specific information about how your script meets the creative, audience, marketing, and programming trends they want to target. What is the difference between a pitch deck and a Development Presentation? * A Pitch Deck is focused on the creative information about a script. Along with mentioning potential cast members, a comparison to similar movies, and other creative factors. * A Development Presentation is focused on how a script appeals to the audience they want to target, and highlights how it is able to meet its, production, marketing, and programming needs. Development Presentation is a term used by insiders, to distinguish it from a pitch deck. The term Pitch Deck is still used by writers... and that's ok. Note: It does not matter what name you call the package you send them. However, it is important the information you provide meets the current needs of the company it's submitted to.
Contact Details
marina del rey, CA 90292, USA